
This page lists all of the commands and explains them step by step.

Commands in this plugin are configured in a way that some parameters may be optional or required. Any parameter that is between [] is optional, and any value that is between () is required.


Opens up a gui where users can configure their skin packs. It will in the later versions also be a place where users can see what other users' current skin is, along with changing the global settings of the plugin.




This command generates a random name and a skin from the database for the user executing the command.




Removes the current skin and name from the player and reverts their player properties. It can only be executed if a player is disguised.




This command is needed for the purpose of re-changing your skin. You can only do /disguise when your properties are default, otherwise use /redisguise.




Changes the skin of the player to another player specified in the parameter.

/setskin <playerName>

/setskin <name>

Correct usage:

/setskin ITSPINGER


Replaces the current skin of the player with their default. Different from /undisguise, which removes both skin and name.



Changes the name of the player specified in the parameters.


Correct usage:

/nick Tylarzz


Removes the current nick from the player and sets the default one.



Last updated